

Widow’s Laurel

2 oz
An apple brandy from the Normandy region in France using apples from designated orchards, containing at least 20% local varieties, at least 70% bitter or bittersweet varieties, and no more than 15% sharp varieties. Bottled at a minimum 40% AVB.
0.5 oz
A scotch whisky based liqueur, made with honey, herbs and spices since 1910. You can make your own! Here is a recipe from Serious Eats: Combine 1 tsp crushed fennel seeds, with 1/3 cup honey, 1/2 cup water, 1 tablespoon fresh rosemary, over medium heat until sugar dissolves. Let the mix steep and cool. Once cool, pour into a sealable glass jar, add 3/4 cup scotch whisky and let sit for 3 days. Strain and re-bottle.
0.5 oz
A fruity, rich and sweet vermouth that dates back to 1786. Thought of as a sweet vermouth with added vanilla; great with whiskey. We treat this like sweet vermouth.
1 tsp
Also known as pimento dram, this is an allspice berry flavored liqueur; from the pimento tree. You can make your own! Here is a recipe from Serious Eats: Measure out 1/2 cup whole allspice berries, then crush them in a mortar and pestle or grinder. Place the crushed allspice in a sealable glass jar with 1 cup rum, steep for 4 days, shaking daily. On day 5, add 1 broken cinnamon stick. Let steep for 7 more days, after 12 total days of steeping, strain out the solids through a cheesecloth. Make a syrup by combining 1 1/2 cup water and 2/3 cup brown sugar, heat until it dissolves then add it to the alcholoic mix. Let rest for an additional day, and enjoy!
1 dash
A concentrated aromatic bitters made in Trinidad from water, ethanol, gentian and other herbs and spices; used in many classic cocktails like the Manhattan.
In cocktails, cherries are sweetened in a brine, like maraschino cherries (marr-ə-SKEE-noh) or in brandy, like brandied cherries. They are usually used as a garnish, muddled into the cocktail, or used simple for their sweetened brine.

Stir all the ingredients over ice, then strain into a coupe. Garnish with 3 cherries. #stir #straight

A riff on the Widow's Kiss cocktail, which dates back to 1895, this version is spicier and less boozy. -Joaquin Simo

Death & Co
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