

Espumita Blanca

For White Russian fans

0.75 oz
A young mezcal that has not been aged for more than 2 months.
1 oz
An alcoholic beverage flavored with brewed coffee and sugar. You can make your own, here is a recipe from Serious Eats: First, cold-brew 1/4 cup of fine ground coffee and 1.25 cups water for 12 hours in the fridge. Strain through a filer into a sealable glass jar. Make a simple syrup by combine 1 cup of sugar and 1 cup of water, bring to a boil to dissolve and let cool. Add the syrup to the mixture, with a vanilla bean and 1.5 cups light rum. Let the mix steep for 3 days, then remove the bean. Bottle your liqueur and enjoy!
0.75 oz
Rested (reposado) tequilas are aged at least 2 months in wooden containers often recycled from bourbon, cognac or wine production.
2 oz
Also called orxata, this is a term used for the class of liqueurs made from almonds, sesame seeds, rice, barley, tigernuts and melon seeds.
0 grated
The seed from an evergreen tree, used as a grated garnish in many cocktails. A must for egg-nog and egg-nog like drinks. In sufficent amounts it gives a numbing sensation.

Combine all ingredients in a shaker. Fill with ice and shake until chilled. Double-strain over a big cube in a rocks glass. Garnish with tin grated nutmeg. #shake #ontherocks

avg. 3.4 (5)
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