

Jungle Bird, SC

1.5 oz
A sub-set of dark, molasses-driven rums. These rums are very dark in color from added refined sugar (molasses), multiple distillation, and likely, but not always, aging in charred oak. There is no formal definition of black rum, if a recipe calls for this type of rum, it is usually refering to a very very darkly colored rum; a common example is Gosling's Black Seal. Pair it with lemon, lime, ginger and pineapple.
0.75 oz
An Italian bitter aperitif made infusing herbs and fruits in alcohol and water. ABV ranges from 10% to 29% based on country.
0.5 oz
This syrup swaps in golden-hued demerara or turbinado sugar as opposed to processed/bleached white sugar. This gives a deeper, almost caramel-like flavor with a funky molasses nose popular in tropical drinks. We always use 1:1 syrup unless otherwise noted in the recipe itself.
2 oz
A tropical fruit, used in many tropical cocktails for its sweet flavor and yellow color. You can either juice a real pineapple, buy pineapple canned in juice (not syrup) or buy pineapple juice in a container.
0.5 oz
The second most common juice used in cocktails. This citrus juice is about 6% acid; 4% from citric and 2% from malic, with small amounts of succinic acid (this is what gives it a little bloody taste). Lime juice should be used the day it is squeezed, some like it freshly squeezed and others like it a few hours old.
In cocktails, cherries are sweetened in a brine, like maraschino cherries (marr-ə-SKEE-noh) or in brandy, like brandied cherries. They are usually used as a garnish, muddled into the cocktail, or used simple for their sweetened brine.
1 wheel
A yellow citrus fruit. The peel is often used as a garnish while the juice incorporated into the drink for a tart flavor profile (citric acid).
1 wheel
An orange colored citrus fruit. Many types of orange make an appearance in cocktails. The peel and juice are equally valuable to diverse cocktails.

Add all to a drink mixer tin and blend with 12 oz crushed ice, and 4-6 small cubes. Open pour into a tall glass. Or, add ingredients to a shaker with fresh ice and shake vigorously. Pour unstrained into a double old-fashioned glass, garnish with an orchid and cocktail cherry speared to lemon and orange wheels. #shake #ontherocks

A tropically inspired sipper created in the late 1970s at the Aviary bar in Kuala Lampur, Malaysia. The syrup is “SC Demerara” which calls for 2 parts water, 1 part Demerara sugar and 3 part granulated sugar.

Smuggler’s Cove
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