


2 oz
Rested (reposado) tequilas are aged at least 2 months in wooden containers often recycled from bourbon, cognac or wine production.
0.75 oz
A rare variety of sherry initially aged to become a fino or amontillado, but inexplicably begins aging oxidatively as an oloroso. Only 1-2% of grapes naturally develop in this manner.
0.5 oz
A common brand is Bärenjäger, that was originally created to lure bears of the their dwellings for hunters and trappers, this is a sweetened liqueur made from honey. You can make it yourself! Here is a recipe from Serious Eats: Combine 2/3 cup honey, 1/2 cup water, 1 inch piece of orange zest, and 1 stick of cinnamon over medium heat until sugar dissolves. Let the mix steep and cool, then remove the zest and cinnamon and combine with 1 1/2 cup vodka in a sealable glass jar. Shake to combine and enjoy!
2 dash
A bitters made from Seville oranges, cardamom, caraway seed, coriander and burnt sugar.
1 twist
A yellow citrus fruit. The peel is often used as a garnish while the juice incorporated into the drink for a tart flavor profile (citric acid).

Stir with ice and strain into a chilled coupe. Garnish with a lemon twist. #stir #straight

The number of months Don Julio Reposado is aged; also Kobe Bryant.

The PDT Cocktail Book
avg. 2.4 (5)
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