

Jewel Thief

1.5 oz
A whiskey blended from various single malt whiskeys, also called blended malt and vatted malt. The 'malt' refers to the malted barley (required in Scotland) or rye, used to make the whiskey.
0.75 oz
A fortified wine made in the Madeira Islands off the Portugese coast. It is produced in a variety of styles from dry aperitif to sweet dessert wines.
0.25 oz
A strong coffee liqueur based on the espresso shot, a concentrated coffee drink extracted under pressure.
1 tsp
A sweetened liqueur made from passion fruit produced in France and Brazil; 14-19% ABV.
0.5 dash
A spice from the seed of a native plant found in India and Indonesia. Commonly used as a spice in cooking, and less common in cocktials.
1 twist
An orange colored citrus fruit. Many types of orange make an appearance in cocktails. The peel and juice are equally valuable to diverse cocktails.

Stir all the ingredients over ice, then strain into a single old-fashioned glass over 1 large ice cube. Express the orange twist over the drink and discard. #stir #ontherocks

Death & Co: Welcome Home
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