

Town Gold Champagne Cocktail

5 oz
A sparkling wine produced from grapes grown in Champagne, France. The carbonation is due to secondary fermentation of the wine after it's bottled. For our purposes we treat this the same as Brut and Sparkling Wine.
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A class of bitters that a broadly made from aromatic herbs, spices, fruits and botanicals. This includes Peychuad and Angostura bitters. You can make these at home. There are plenty of recipes online for various bitters, a good book source is 'Bitters' by Brad Parsons. The only down side is they generally require hard-ish to source ingredients.
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A French orange-flavored liqueur made from a blend of cognac, bitter orange essence and sugar. It is used in common cocktails like the Cosmopolitan, Sidecar, Sangria and others.
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A rose flavored water made by steeping rose petals. Used in some cocktails like the Juliet and Romeo, Old Pal, In Bloom and Jules & Jim. Some say it has a strong (and off-putting) perfume taste.

Pour Champagne into a stemmed glass. Add bitters, Grand Mariner and rose water and swizzle over ice with a swizzle stick or long spoon. #build #swizzle #ontherocks

Adapted from Town, at the Chambers Hotel, NYC.

NYT Book Of Cocktails
avg. 2.8 (4)
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