

Blanket Finish

1.5 oz
An aromatised red wine-based French quinquina made with mistelle and quinine.
0.5 oz
The most common fruit juice used in cocktails. This citrus juice is about 6% acid; pure citric acid. Lemon juice should be used the day it is squeezed, some like it freshly squeezed and others like it a few hours old.
0.5 oz
A French herbal liqueur, with DOM meaning Deo Optimo Maximo, 'To God, most good, most great.' Made with 27 herbs and spices, many unknown.
2 dash
A bitters made from Seville oranges, cardamom, caraway seed, coriander and burnt sugar.
3 oz
Indian Pale Ale is a beer style that developed in England for export to India. Brewed from pale malt, this beer is known for its bitter flavor (high on the IBU scale) and medium to high alcoholic content.
1 peel
A yellow citrus fruit. The peel is often used as a garnish while the juice incorporated into the drink for a tart flavor profile (citric acid).

Build in a cocktail or rocks glass with ice, ending with the IPA. Stir briefly then garnish with a lemon peel. #build #ontherocks

A beer cocktail made with Byrrh and beer.

Cocktails On Tap
avg. 3.0 (2)
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