

Tit For Tat

0.25 oz
A French liqueur made by the Carthusian Monks since 1737 according to the instructions given to them by François Annibal d'Estrées in 1605. It is a distilled alcohol aged with 130 herbs, plants and flowers. The name derived from the monks' Grande Chartreuse monastery in the Chartreuse Mountains. Chartreuse is known to age and improve in the bottle. Yellow Chartreuse is sweeter in flavor and aroma than its green brother; 40% ABV.
0.5 oz
A concentrated fruit syrup made from raspberry pulp. Combine 1/2 cup raspberry preserves with 1/2 cup sugar and 1 cup water. Bring to boil, cool, strain and store. You can add some other spices like cardamom pods or cloves during boiling.
0.5 oz
The most common fruit juice used in cocktails. This citrus juice is about 6% acid; pure citric acid. Lemon juice should be used the day it is squeezed, some like it freshly squeezed and others like it a few hours old.
0.5 oz
A popular brand of elderflower liqueur, made with wild elderflowers and based with Eau de vie; 20% ABV.
1 oz
The driest and lightest of the traditional sherry varieties. They are consumed young and shortly after opening the bottle; within a few hours they start to lose flavor.
1 oz
Also called akvavit this 'water of life; is a flavored spirit that is mostly produced in Scandinavia, since the 15th century. It is a grain or potato spirit base, and can be flavored with many herbs and spices. EU laws dictate it must be mostly flavored by caraway or dill. A common brand of caraway aquavit is Linie. You can actually make this yourself (or something very similar) here is a recipe from the book 'Akvavit' by Rasmus Risum-Urth: Toast in a pan: 2g cardamom, 8g pine nuts, 10g caraway, 1.5g cinnamon bark, 0.5g star anise, 2g pink peppercorns. Add spices to 500ml of vodka and sous vide for 2 hours at 60C (or just let steep for a week). Strain off solids and add 1.5L gin.
A small berry that is used as a garnish or muddled for its tangy, sour flavor and red color.
1 wheel
A yellow citrus fruit. The peel is often used as a garnish while the juice incorporated into the drink for a tart flavor profile (citric acid).

Whip all ingredients with 3 cubes in a shaker tin. Strain into a double rocks glass filled with crushed ice. Top with additional ice. To garnish, skewer the raspberries through the lemon wheel to make a flag. #shake #ontherocks

A bitter fruit and caraway sour from Pietro Collina.

The NoMad Cocktail Book
avg. 3.6 (5)
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