

Marmalade Cocktail

2 oz
A spirit whose flavor profile revolves around juniper berries. Originally from the Middles Ages, modern gin is a derivative of the Dutch drink jenever (genever). You can make a home-made gin by simply infusing vodka. There are a large number of recipes online.
0.75 oz
The most common fruit juice used in cocktails. This citrus juice is about 6% acid; pure citric acid. Lemon juice should be used the day it is squeezed, some like it freshly squeezed and others like it a few hours old.
0.75 oz
A syrup made from combining oranges with sugar and other ingredients. For ease of use buy fine cut or no peel marmalade to minimize the large orange chuncks. You can make it yourself, google it!

Add all ingredients to a shaker. Mix well, add ice and shake. Strain into a frozen cocktail glass. #shake #straight

“By its bittersweet taste, this cocktail is especially suited to be a luncheon aperitif.” -Harry Craddock

A Spot At The Bar
avg. 3.3 (6)
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