

Waterproof Watch

2 dash
A bitters made with the Pimento berry and Allspice berry with a hint of anise and other herbs
0.75 oz
One of the best selling Italian amari, made using 40 herbs including vanilla and orange peel; 23% ABV.
0.75 oz
An Italian aperitif made of bitter orange, gentian, rhubarb and cinchona with other ingredients. Usually 11% ABV.
1.5 oz
A vapor column distilled gin that contains no sweetening agents. A common ingredient in many cocktails.
1 twist
An orange colored citrus fruit. Many types of orange make an appearance in cocktails. The peel and juice are equally valuable to diverse cocktails.

Stir all with plenty of ice. Strain into an old fashioned glass filled with fresh ice. Garnish with an orange twist. #stir #ontherocks

I’m Just Here For The Drinks
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