


3 dash
A bitters made from Seville oranges, cardamom, caraway seed, coriander and burnt sugar.
0.25 oz
A liqueur predominantly flavored with the dried peels of the laraha orange native to the island of Curaçao. Curaçao liqueur likely originated in the 1600s from the Dutch spirit company Bols after the West Indies Company controlled trade from the island. The liqueur comes in many colors with blue being the original made by Bols, however the color is only added for effect and adds no flavor. Triple Sec (ie: Cointreau) is considered a white Curaçao.
2 oz
Rested (reposado) tequilas are aged at least 2 months in wooden containers often recycled from bourbon, cognac or wine production.
0.25 oz
Peat is a dried soil from peatlands, bogs, mires, moors and muskegs. In Scotland, peat fires are used to dry the malted barley, giving the whiskey a smoky flavor.

Build the drink in a rocks glass, starting with the bitters and ending with tequila. Add 1 large ice cube and stir. Finish by floating the Islay whisky on top. #build #ontherocks

Segue - to move, without interruption, from one scene to another.

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