


1.5 oz
A citrus juice used in many cocktails, both for its sweet and tart taste and its color. Orange juice, unlike lemon and lime, can be kept fresh for days. In a blind taste test, most people liked day-old orange juice.
1.5 oz
A fruit that grows on the vine of the passion flower, native to brazil. Used for its tart taste and crunchy seeds.
1.5 oz
A high proof, usually 151, (>57.5 ABV) unaged rum. Most producers are based in Jamaica, such as Wray & Nephew (W&N). This rum is usually reserved for mixed drinks and is a key ingredient in many classic cocktails.
1.5 oz
Water into which carbon dioxide gas under pressure has been dissolved, creating a fizzy texture. We treat soda water, club soda, seltzer and sparkling water the same.
1 dash
A concentrated aromatic bitters made in Trinidad from water, ethanol, gentian and other herbs and spices; used in many classic cocktails like the Manhattan.

Mix everything in an Octopus mug or large snifter filled with crushed ice. Garnish with an orchid. #build #ontherocks

By Al Hong of the Waikiki Trader Vic’s, circa 1940s.

Beachbum Berry Remixed
avg. 2.6 (8)
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