

Amarena Spritz

In cocktails, cherries are sweetened in a brine, like maraschino cherries (marr-ə-SKEE-noh) or in brandy, like brandied cherries. They are usually used as a garnish, muddled into the cocktail, or used simple for their sweetened brine.
1 tsp
A sweet and intensly concentrated vinegar used in some cocktails for its tartness, due to the high concentration of acetic acid, and its molasses like sweetness.
1 oz
'Point and a half' this Italian bittersweet vermouth (chinato vermouth) dates to around 1867 and is simultaneously amongst the bitterest and sweetest of vermouths. It can be used as a substitute for rosso (Italian red) vermouths in most cases, but can also be thought of as an intersting sub for dry vermouth.
1 oz
Also known as bianco vermouth, blanc vermouth or Italian white vermouth, this is a type of sweet vermouth that is colorless (clear) with vanilla forward flavoring.
2 oz
An Italian white wine that can be sparkling or still, the sparkling variety is often used in place of Champagne althought Prosecco is general a much sweeter sparkling wine.
2 oz
Water into which carbon dioxide gas under pressure has been dissolved, creating a fizzy texture. We treat soda water, club soda, seltzer and sparkling water the same.
In cocktails, cherries are sweetened in a brine, like maraschino cherries (marr-ə-SKEE-noh) or in brandy, like brandied cherries. They are usually used as a garnish, muddled into the cocktail, or used simple for their sweetened brine.

In a Collins or rocks glass, muddle the cherries with balsamic vinegar. Add the Punt e Mes, the white vermouth and ice. Top with prosecco and soda water. Garnish with 2 or 3 brandied cherries on a pick. #muddle #build #ontherocks

avg. 3.9 (15)
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