

Only To Consider

1.5 oz
A young mezcal that has not been aged for more than 2 months.
0.75 oz
A liqueur predominantly flavored with the dried peels of the laraha orange native to the island of Curaçao. Curaçao liqueur likely originated in the 1600s from the Dutch spirit company Bols after the West Indies Company controlled trade from the island. The liqueur comes in many colors with blue being the original made by Bols, however the color is only added for effect and adds no flavor. Triple Sec (ie: Cointreau) is considered a white Curaçao.
0.5 oz
An Italian bitter aperitif made infusing herbs and fruits in alcohol and water. ABV ranges from 10% to 29% based on country.
0.25 oz
A grape distilled base amaro made from various herbs, such as myrrh, rhubarb, chamomile, cardamom, aloe and saffron. Typically 45% ABV.
1 dash
A concentrated aromatic bitters made in Trinidad from water, ethanol, gentian and other herbs and spices; used in many classic cocktails like the Manhattan.
1 peel
An orange colored citrus fruit. Many types of orange make an appearance in cocktails. The peel and juice are equally valuable to diverse cocktails.

Stir all ingredients in a mixing glass with ice until chilled. Strain into a nick and nora glass or small coupe. Express an orange peel over the drink, then discard. #shake #straight

avg. 3.8 (39)
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