

Doctor Mindbender

1 oz
Blanco, white spirit, white, plata or silver tequila refers to a young, unaged tequila.
0.5 oz
Blanco, white spirit, white, plata or silver tequila refers to a young, unaged tequila.
0.5 oz
A koji-based spirit distilled with other flavoring compounds produced in Copenhagen. Hard to categorize!
0.75 oz
The second most common juice used in cocktails. This citrus juice is about 6% acid; 4% from citric and 2% from malic, with small amounts of succinic acid (this is what gives it a little bloody taste). Lime juice should be used the day it is squeezed, some like it freshly squeezed and others like it a few hours old.
0.75 oz
Guava juice that has been heavly sweetend, you can find it online or make it yourself.
2 dash
A concentrated aromatic bitters made in Trinidad from water, ethanol, gentian and other herbs and spices; used in many classic cocktails like the Manhattan.
1 wheel
Small, round, green citrus fruits. Commonly used in many cocktails for its rind or its acidic taste (6% acid total; 4% citric, 2% malic, some succinic acid).

Short shake all the ingredients with ice for about 5 seconds, then strain into a collins glass filled with cracked ice. Garnish with the lime wheel. #shake #ontherocks

“Copenhagen-based Empirical Spirits makes this really cool vapor-distilled spirit, which has the intensely floral flavor of habanero chiles, but none of the heat. It reminded me of guava, so I took the recipe for a classic Mexican Firing Squad and swapped in the habanero spirit for tequila, and guava syrup for grenadine. There’s a tradition in tiki drinks for naming them after doctors; this one is a nod to a G.I. Joe villain.” -Matthew Belanger

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