

Amaretto Sour

2 oz
Italian for 'a little bitter,' this sweet, almond-flavored liqueur is made from either apricot pits, almonds or both. It can be drunk by itself, in coffee, or in many mixed drinks.
1 oz
The most common fruit juice used in cocktails. This citrus juice is about 6% acid; pure citric acid. Lemon juice should be used the day it is squeezed, some like it freshly squeezed and others like it a few hours old.
1 wedge
An orange colored citrus fruit. Many types of orange make an appearance in cocktails. The peel and juice are equally valuable to diverse cocktails.
In cocktails, cherries are sweetened in a brine, like maraschino cherries (marr-ə-SKEE-noh) or in brandy, like brandied cherries. They are usually used as a garnish, muddled into the cocktail, or used simple for their sweetened brine.

Add all ingredients into a shaker with ice. Shake and strain into a cocktail glass with ice and garnish with an orange wedge and cherry. #shake #ontherocks

Optionally add an egg white for more foam. Dry shake, without ice, then shake again with ice.

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