


1 dash
A gentian-base aromatic bitters similar to Angostura but with a lighter body, sweeter taste and more floral aroma. A common component of the Sazerac.
0.5 oz
A bittersweet Italian amaro made from 13 herbs and plants, but predominantly artichoke (Cynara Scolymus). Drunk as an aperitif and digestif, it has an ABV of 16.5%.
0.5 oz
A French herbal liqueur, with DOM meaning Deo Optimo Maximo, 'To God, most good, most great.' Made with 27 herbs and spices, many unknown.
0.5 oz
A brandy produced in the Armagnac region in France. It is distilled from blended wine and aged in oak barrels.
Peat is a dried soil from peatlands, bogs, mires, moors and muskegs. In Scotland, peat fires are used to dry the malted barley, giving the whiskey a smoky flavor.

Stir first 4 ingredients with plenty of ice. Strain into a chilled rocks glass without ice. Spray prayed scotch on top. #stir #ontherocks

I’m Just Here For The Drinks
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