

Strawberry Fix

A small red fruit with a bright red color and sweet yet tart taste.
0.75 oz
The most common fruit juice used in cocktails. This citrus juice is about 6% acid; pure citric acid. Lemon juice should be used the day it is squeezed, some like it freshly squeezed and others like it a few hours old.
0.75 oz
A syrup made from dissolving granulated sugar (sucrose) in water. Regular simple is made by combining 1:1 sugar:water by mass, rich simple is 2:1 sugar:water by mass although only 1.5 times as sweet as regular. We always use 1:1 syrup unless otherwise noted in the recipe itself.
2 oz
A whiskey made primarily from a corn grain mash, aged in charred oak barrels.
A small red fruit with a bright red color and sweet yet tart taste.

Add strawberries to double rocks glass and muddle lightly. Fill the glass with crushed ice; set aside. Combine lemon juice, syrup, and bourbon in a shaker and shake to mix. Pour over the the crushed ice and garnish with a whole strawberry. #build #muddle #ontherocks #shake

Balance your cocktail by tasting the strawberries before adding, noting how tart they are, you might need to adjust accordingly.

Regarding Cocktails
avg. 4.2 (105)
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