

Bad Sneakers

1.5 oz
'Nikka whisky,' similar in style to scotch, is a blended malt whiskey produced in Japan. It has a high reputation, often making the top of 'Best Whiskey' lists.
0.66 oz
A juice used in some cocktails for its tart and acidic properties. Grapefruit juice can be pre-squeezed and kept fresh for many days like orange juice, unlike lemon and lime juice.
0.33 oz
A concentrated syrup made from sugar water and cinnamon bark. You can make this yourself by adding a few cinnamon sticks to your simple syrup making process. We always use 1:1 syrup unless otherwise noted in the recipe itself.
0.5 oz
A sweetend and thickend coconut cream, common brand is Coco Lopez. To make your own combine coconut 1 can (~440ml) of cream and with 300g sugar.
0.5 oz
The second most common juice used in cocktails. This citrus juice is about 6% acid; 4% from citric and 2% from malic, with small amounts of succinic acid (this is what gives it a little bloody taste). Lime juice should be used the day it is squeezed, some like it freshly squeezed and others like it a few hours old.
2 tsp
A coconut flavored liqueur, usually rum based, with added sugar.
1 tsp
Peat is a dried soil from peatlands, bogs, mires, moors and muskegs. In Scotland, peat fires are used to dry the malted barley, giving the whiskey a smoky flavor.
0 grated
Pulp or flesh from the tropical fruit coconut. Usually used as a garnish shaved on top of a drink.
0 grated
A hybrid citrus fruit originating in Barbados as an accidental cross between two introduced species, sweet orange and pomelo. Like other citrus fruits the grapefruit is popular among cocktails for its peel and juice.

Combine all the ingredients in a shaker and whip, shaking with a few pieces of crushed ice, just until incorporated, then dump into a double old-fashioned glass and fill the glass with crushed ice. Garnish with the toasted coconut flakes, grate some grapefruit zest over the drink, and serve with a straw. #shake #whip #ontherocks

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